Combinatul de Celuloză și Hârtie Drobeta-Turnu Severin > News > Uncategorized > Increasing the operational energy efficiency at CCH S.A. Drobeta Turnu Severin by implementing a high-efficiency cogeneration plant

Increasing the operational energy efficiency at CCH S.A. Drobeta Turnu Severin by implementing a high-efficiency cogeneration plant

Drobeta Turnu  Severin, Str. Nicolae Iorga nr. 2, Post code : 220236, Jud. Mehedinti

Phone: 0252 312184; Fax : 0252 312358

VAT Number: RO 5976842; Trade Register No.: J25/895/1994;



This informative note is released by COMBINATUL DE CELULOZA SI HARTIE SA with headquarters in Drobeta Turnu Severin, 2 Nicolae Iorga Blvd., County of Mehedinti, which intends to request from SGA Mehedinti the water management approval for the project “Increasing the operational energy efficiency at CCH S.A. Drobeta Turnu Severin by implementing a high-efficiency cogeneration plant”, Municipality of Drobeta Tr Severin, 2 Nicolae Iorga Blvd., Mehedinti County.

This is a new investment.

The industrial and waste water resulted from the investment will be collected and disposed of in the treatment plant.

This request for an approval is in accordance with the provisions of the Water Law no. 107/1996, with the subsequent amendments and additions.

Persons wishing to obtain additional information regarding the request for the water management approval can contact the approval applicant at the specified address.

Persons wishing to submit observations, suggestions and recommendations may address the applicant after 26.06.2019.

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Author: cchdts